Saturday, March 24, 2012

Follow Up - Area 6

I have decided that I will focus daily on the areas that correspond with the days of the week so today was area 6. Sexuality / Pleasure. Well that's an easy one to start with huh!? I suppose the hard part will be balancing it. What I did to work on this area was to allow myself to enjoy foods just because they taste good and goof off on the computer because it was fun and to focus on letting go of having guilt attached to these things. I don't think I did that well though I feel bad now because my stomach hurts and I didn't get much done on my to do list. I did drink enough water and play with my son though. Definitely need to work on the balance. I think tomorrow I will set up a "work a little on each area each day" plan.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Seven Areas of Life and The Stuff I Want to Do

The Seven Areas of Life
So, I said that I could use a life coach because there is a lot of stuff I want to do and I need to prioritize. I have been thinking about the best way to do that and have decided to try and fit things into "the seven areas of life". These have been emphasized to me by a friend I'm just going to call "friend A"  and were not a new idea to me as I had first come across them in my early to mid twenties when I attended a few "Course in Miracles" classes with my stepmother. The areas vary in title and order of importance depending on who you are talking to but I am going to go with this:
My focus will be on one area per day. I'm sure certain tasks will overlap many areas and I would like to do one thing from each area every day but I will just have to take this one step at a time.

The Stuff I Want to Do
For years I have been making to do lists and I don't think there has been one list I've ever crossed everything off of. This bothers me. It's not that I feel I should have done every one of those things but I do wish I had asked myself more "what really matters?". Excuse me now because I am going to brainstorm and create a list of the stuff I want to do now.
To Do:
Play with my 9 month old son everyday - concentrate only on him for at least 20 minutes 
Prepare for my wedding / invites out!
Unblock my creativity - finish projects for my Grandmother and Friend A
Drink enough water everyday
Start exercising again
Volunteer my time to help others
Find a way to make a small income

I think that is it for now and I am surprised actually. There is a lot swirling around in my head but I feel like this list incorporates the top tasks I wish to complete.

I will let you know at the end of the day how I did focusing on my area and how the to-do list is coming.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hello Blog World!

Yay! I started a blog! I did it. I have been wanting to for a little while now and have been scared to actually do it. I finally decided I was going to for sure a few days ago and then couldn't decide what to call it. Well today I was thinking about all the stuff I want to do and how I need to prioritize. Then I remembered a conversation with my friend Tami where she was telling me about a friend who had a life coach of sorts and how I was thinking that I could use one. And since the only life coach I can afford is myself; I have decided to become my own life coach. Here goes...!